Monday 12 December 2011

Meal Planning Monday - 12 December 2011

Last week's meal plan was a success both in terms of taste and budget. I confess to buying the wraps for the tortillas as I just didn't have enough time or motivation to make them. And we didn't have pasta and doughballs for some reason or other (oh yes, McDonald's).

This week's plan is:
Chicken tortilla bake
Fried rice with ham
pineapple chinese chicken in slow cooker
beef stew in slow cooker
Jambalaya (from freezer)

I've already got ham, beef, sausages, and Jambalaya in the freezer, along with plenty of frozen vegetables, so this week's shopping was also within budget. 

For more meal plans check out the linky on Mrs M's blog.


  1. Ooh the pineapple chinese chicken sounds good! I'm always looking for new slow cooker recipes.

  2. This one is dead easy. I got it from

    This week I cheated a lot: frozen diced chicken breast, a jar of hoisin sauce and a tin of pineapple with all the juice. I thickened it up with a little cornflour at the end.
